Scottish Borders Council Borders
JBA Consulting Mott Macdonald
Turner and Townsend

Current flood risk


In 2016 SEPA released revised indicative maps showing areas at risk from river, coastal and surface water flooding throughout Scotland. The mapping was undertaken to improve the understanding of flood risk, to raise public awareness of flood risk, and encourage individuals and organisations to take steps to reduce the risk to themselves and their property, where appropriate. This study (the Borders Flood Studies) has provided updated flood maps for all areas of interest within the 5 communities assessed. This updated mapping provides a better level of detail, sufficient to assist local authorities to take a more proactive approach to flood risk management, and develop avoidance, alleviation and assistance strategies through exercise of their land use planning, flood protection and emergency planning functions.

  Outlines 200 year flood depths
Peebles Flood maps    
Tweed (Peebles to Walkerburn) PDF PDF
Edderston Burn PDF PDF
Eddleston Water PDF PDF
Soonhope Burn PDF PDF
Haystoun Burn PDF PDF
Broughton Flood maps    
Biggar Water and Broughton Burn PDF PDF
Innerleithen Flood maps    
Leithen Water PDF PDF
Chapman's Burn PDF PDF
Earlston Flood maps    
Leader Water & Turfford Burn PDF PDF
Newcastleton Flood maps    
Liddel Water   PDF

What do these maps show?

When a river floods the severity of the flood is known as a 1 in x year flood. This terminology represents the probability of that event occurring in any year. For reference, the December 2015 event (Storm Frank) in Peebles had a 1 in 55 chance of occurring in any year. This does not mean that the flood will occur once every 55 years; it could occur tomorrow and again next week, or not for another 200 years. But on average a flood of that severity will occur once every 55 years. For example, there is a 1 in 100 (or 1%) chance of a flood exceeding the 100 year flood in any one year. A list of frequently used return periods and their respective annual probabilities is provided in the table below:

Return Period Annual Probability [AP] (%)
2 year 50
5 year 20
10 year 10
25 year 4
30 year 3.33
50 year 2
75 year 1.33
100 year 1
200 year 0.5
500 year 0.2
1000 year 0.1